MobilizeTO works with many other environmental groups to lobby and advocate for urgent environmental action. Recently we endorsed the Ontario Climate Emergency Campaign (OCEC) [add link to OCEC website] a nonpartisan group which promotes awareness on the Climate Crisis. They have developed a 12 point plan to bring Ontario’s targets in line with our Paris Commitments, and to work towards environmental sustainability. MobilizeTO supports this plan [we can add later how we plan to support the Plan or what actions we plan to take to help to achieve these goals, if any]
On May 14th the OCEC organized a successful rally of over 1,000 participants at Queens Park, and on a March in the downtown core, for one of the most successful climate events in Toronto’s history. MobilizeTO is proud to have joined the 200 signatory groups, demanding that the Government include their recommendations into legislation and to monitor and measure their outcome.

Here is the Environmental Defence blog post about the rally.